Today I travelled a total of 4,008.53 LY to a system called Plieleae QW-V b8-10.
Here's a photo I took of the Milky Way galaxy. Yes, I changed the colour of the ship! I do that once in awhile, just to shake things up.
At this point, I was travelling through a region filled with immense dust clouds, covering thousands of light years of space.
Along the route today I found a system which had three water worlds, all in close proximity to each other! I surface mapped all three which should get me about 2.5 to 3 million credits for that system.
Here are some photos of where I landed for the night. This little moon was heavily peppered with asteroids in its past. I found a level piece of ground and set down.
This is why I like being out in galactic space. I am the first person to discover this little moon, the first person to ever land on it and the first person to ever drive across its surface. Amazing!
Looking up at the planet this moon orbits.
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