Friday, October 11, 2019

October 11 3305

I have arrived at home base!  Now docked in Jameson Memorial in Shinrarta Dezhra.

The ship looked a little ragged before getting it repainted.  But it was in sound, mechanical condition.

 On this trip, I passed scanned and mapped in 1,385 systems.  Selling the data earned me a total of 420,425,919 credits.  There was an additional 332,500 CR for codex vouchers.  A nice income for 34 days of travel!

Here are my exploration statistics as of this date:


Wednesday, October 09, 2019

October 9 3305

Today I made it to the region called Sanguineous Rim.  It was a bit of a convulted route that took me back into Hawking's Gap, then the Outer Orion Spur then back into Achilles's Altar.  This was because I was following a route with neutron stars to reduce the number of jumps.

Along the way, I found 2 neutron stars for which I am "first to discover".  I found a system with four water worlds; I'm not first to discover but I am first to map!  Also, I found 2 earth-like worlds and will get first to discover and map bonuses for both.

I arrived in Wregoo LA-A d3 and will be camping here before heading home to Jameson Memorial in Shinrarta Dezhra.


Monday, October 07, 2019

October 7 3305

Yesterday I arrived on the north end of the region called Achilles Altar.  I am now making my way to the next region, Sanguineous Rim, which is counter-clockwise from Achilles Altar.

Thursday, October 03, 2019

October 3 3305

I was making my way across Hawking's Gap and found myself arriving in systems which were previously explored.  I seemed to be following the path of a Cmdr Dr. Feelgood 01 in particular.

When you forego scanning and mapping every body you come upon, you can still make a decent credit just by being the first to discover the stars.  I wasn't getting those first discoveries.  I don't know why Hawking's Gap was proving to be so heavily explored, but apparently it's a popular destination for a lot of commanders!

 One thing I've learned in my 9 months of exploring the galaxy is that most commanders fly close to the galactic plane (zero on the Y axis).  So to get off of the beaten trail, I went "down" to -150 light years.  I then scrolled across to the other end of the region, found a star sitting near the -99 LY mark and plotted a course to that.  Now I'm passing through undiscovered systems, except for the odd one here and there.

I found a very interesting little body to camp on for the night.  This area had multiple meteor strikes, giving it a very rugged landscape.


Wednesday, October 02, 2019

October 2 3305

I've been making slow progress across the end of Hawking's Gap.  This included 3 sessions of surface mining on 2 different world looking for arsenic, vanadium and polonium.  Found the first two but not the third.  These materials are needed for FSD injections.

However, I finally made it back to a more densely populated part of the galaxy and I can now plot long routes across the region.

I'm calling it day before starting a 70 jump trip.